Monday, June 29, 2009

Funding Fun & OMG where is my hair?

So today I was off to the oh holy government people who decide Ethans fate.... and they decided well! Ethan has been approved for funding which totals $20,000 anually until August 31, 2012! (the under 6 kids get a lot more funding) This is AWESOME because right now his twice monthly ST and his soon to be in OT is already covered! This is strictly for more intervention which will RAWK! I am going to try my bestest to get Ethan in at least 10 hours monthly of ST instead of the 2 he gets now. Ethans speech delay is his major set back, and the main reason he is even considered to be ASD. So WHOO HOO!!!

While I was off in paperwork hell, Ethan was with my Mom, so I took advantage of that situation and went to go get my hair cut after my meeting. Because my hair is thick like a freaking wookie, I shed during the summer, and by that I mean I shed year round, but in teh summer my hair comes out in clumps, and really you would be SHOCKED that I am not all bald! So I got 4.5 inches sheared off of my hair and it felt instantly better and lighter. It can still fit in a ponytail which is my mom prerequisite!

On another note Ethan has always been a phone boy, and by that I mean he loves talking on and and all fake phones, but the instant you put a real phone to his ear and he hears a real person he backs away in fear and goes mute. When I got home after my hair cut I called my mom, so she could bring back my child, and Ethan got on the phone and TALKED (by this I mean yammered as he really has like no words) but the one thing he did say clear as a bell was... MOM? Mom!!!! He knew it was me and he used his words to let me know! I had tears... it was an amazing moment!!!


Cami & Co said...

Jacki, That is awesome! I'm glad you had such a great day.

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